In a BBC article titled, "Obama Warns Against Irresponsible Social Media Use," former US President Barack Obama expresses his concerns about the extreme usage of social media as seen in all current generations, ranging from toddlers to seniors. By prioritizing our own needs to be happy and comfortable at all times, people using social media tend to surround themselves with people of their same political views, blocking out all others that may have opposing ideas or political views. This has been made very easy to do; on Instagram, you can block or unfollow people, and on the Explore page there is an option to limit the type of posts you see by clicking "see less posts like this." Social media companies, as Obama explained, have made it very convenient to have a closed mindset, and soon it may become the only option; why surround yourself with things and people that make you angry when you can limit your experiences so that you only expose yourself to those with the same ideas and views as yourself? Of course, it is not directly social media's fault for our desire to only be surrounded by people with which we agree, nor would erasing social media force us to open our mindsets; social media simply contributes to our already closed minds, allowing us to oppose different views by ignoring them entirely. Through social media, people and their views tend to be oversimplified, and we judge them based off of this. To counter this oversimplifying way of viewing the world, Obama suggests more face-to-face contact as opposed to arguing behind a screen; it allows people to see their opponents as more than icons or comments, to realize that despite their conflicting views, their opponents are just as complex as the next person. While this will not "solve" ignorance or closed-mindedness, as shown in the past before social media existed, it will make the complete disregarding of others' viewpoints less convenient.
I am definitely guilty of limiting my social media intake as well as my perspective by surrounding myself with only those with whom I agree. Some days, if I am feeling "up to" it, I scroll through different articles or social activism accounts on Instagram, but on other days I allow myself to watch BuzzFeed videos or look at pictures of dogs. By doing this, I limit my awareness of occurrences in the world, and at times I am completely unaware of major events that occurred simply because I'd rather watch a Vine compilation. If I see that someone I know follows Donald Trump or someone of that sort, I immediately unfollow them because I disagree and do not want to be exposed to their political views, even if I know the person well. By seeing them as only their icon and who they follow, I oversimplify them as a person because it is much easier to see them as a terrible stranger than a complex person who may not be as opposite to me as I originally thought. By talking to them, I would discover this quickly, but I'd much rather click the "unfollow" button and feel the quick satisfaction of "punishing" them for their political views.
Why do I want to be ignorant? Why can I quote a hundred old Vines but not the President? The answer lies in the purpose of social media: to connect with your friends in a more convenient fashion. I classify my friends as those who agree with me, and it is much more convenient to see only their posts rather than those that would upset me. I need to force myself to broaden my perspective and read the reasoning behind the views with which I so strongly disagree, so I can have reasons behind my own views. I will not get rid of my social media accounts because they allow me to connect with others, but I will control my media intake less in an attempt to force myself to rethink my limited mindset.